Wednesday, September 21, 2016

JULY 4 ~ Frankfurt Germany, here comes Schwester Schulz!~

Hallo menie Familie und Freunde!!
It's actually happening!! I am going to Germany this Monday!!! I can't believe I'm already leaving!! It feels like I just got to the MTC the other day but at the same time I am so ready to get out of this place and teach the amazing people of Germany! 

   MADE IT! Hallo, President and Sister Stoddard! I made it, ready to get to work!

1st area is MAINZ. My amazing trainer is Siter Krynanski! Automatic smiles & off to an appointment!

   Ahh! Cannot contain my joy of our message we have to share!
So on Saturday we had our first street display in Mainz and it turned out really good!!